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About Us

  • We Believe the one true God who lives eternally in three persons the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  

  • We Believe the love, grace and sovereignty of God in creating, sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world.   

  • We Believe the Holy Bible is the truthful expression of God's will and work. That it is intended to reveal His Person and moral character to mankind.   

  • We Believe that Jesus (the Christ) was miraculously joined with a body, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, in order that He may offer Himself as a substitute for us – to endure God’s punishment for our sins. That in this form, He lives as God and Man. He endured temptation without ever yielding to it. He died without mercy on the cross, to satisfy the judgment against sin and having done so – rose again physically from the dead, by His own power and volition. He was seen by and interacted with many eyewitnesses and has now ascended back into Heaven as God and Man - in Majesty, Power and Authority. That our faith in Him and surrender to Him are the only means of restoration and reconciliation, available to mankind.   

  • We Believe that Jesus is coming again! That upon His return, He will sit as a judge of all of to His redeemed, He will share His life, presence, and glory – forever.  mankind's thoughts, intentions, communications and actions. He is just and wise in His judgment and as judge, Jesus alone will sentence the ungodly to everlasting punishment; but 



Arokiarajan Robert
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